List of companies in Anglikon / Canton Aargau

See the list of companies (company list) in Anglikon. The companies are listed alphabetically: Adaptway GmbH | Aebersold Transporte | American Gym GmbH | Auto Garage Hoxhaj | Auto-Swiss-Trade AG | Azot Quinta Essentia AG | BAG Tax GmbH | Beauty & Beast FASHION AND MORE GmbH | Berkus Consulting GmbH | bitHUB Business IT Services Heinz Ulrich Bornholdt | Braunwalder Immobilien und Verwaltungs AG | Breitschmid Holding AG | Bundis AG Beratung und Immobilien Service | Carrosserie Erwin Hämmerli | CBC Heizsysteme AG | Coiffeur Joy | Datatron Schuhmacher Linus | dcg display GmbH | Denario Capital AG | Dilaya Beauty, Inh. Sertkaya | Drago Glavas Gerüstbau GmbH | EDEL & WYSS Vintagefabrik GmbH | Fashion Design Silvia Rummel | Freiamt Haustechnik GmbH | Garage M. Giger GmbH | Genossenschaft für DeinHomeOffice | Hautle Computing | Human Life Impuls GmbH in Liquidation | il salone Nunziatina Di Fazio | Innoform AG | InteriorArt GmbH | InteriorArt Michael Rummel | Internationale des Coiffeurs de Dames I.C.D. Intercoiffure - Interbeauté - Suisse | Keyjet GmbH | Living Point Immobilien AG | M. Berger Gartenbau AG Wohlen | M. Huser AG | Meeforms GmbH in Liquidation | MichaelBenz GmbH | Mobatron Rolf Erne |

Companies in Anglikon

Canton AG

The locality Anglikon is located in the canton of Aargau in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Anglikon are: 47.36505 and 8.26223. The local date and time in Anglikon is 10/13/2024, 12:10 AM. Wohlen is a municipality in the canton of Aargau in Switzerland. It is located in the Bünztal in the southeast of the canton and belongs to the Bremgarten district. With around 15,000 inhabitants, Wohlen is the fourth largest municipality in the canton and the largest in the Freiamt region. It forms the center of a sub-agglomeration on the western edge of the Zurich metropolitan region. According to statistical criteria, Wohlen is indeed a city, but its inhabitants - who are called Wohler - continue to regard the community as a village. Mentioned for the first time in a document in 1178, Wohlen was subject to the Habsburgs until 1415, then until 1798 in the Free Offices, a community Rule of the Confederates. Until the end of the 18th century, the village was almost exclusively agricultural, but then developed into an important industrial location. The straw industry, which dominated economic life in the 19th and early 20th centuries, made a particular contribution to this. As a result, Wohlen achieved prosperity and was known in the international fashion world for its straw hats and trimmings. The straw industry has since completely disappeared and given way to other economic sectors. The village of Anglikon, which was incorporated in 1914, is also part of Wohlen. More infos on Yellow Pages Aargau.

This company list contains all legal forms (Sole proprietorship, General Partnership, Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Cooperative, Association, Foundation, Public sector institution, Branch, Limited Partnership, Foreign branch, Corporation with unlimited partners, Special legal form, Ownership in undivided shares, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes with a fixed capital, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes with a variable capital, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes, Non commercial power of attorney) of companies in Anglikon. On this page you will find companies from Adaptway GmbH to Mobatron Rolf Erne.

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