List of companies in Arlesheim / Canton Basle Country

See the list of companies (company list) in Arlesheim. The companies are listed alphabetically: "La petite Provence" Ruth Wunderer | "Sunnegarte", Stiftung für familienergänzende Kinderbetreuung | "Über den Wolken" von Elisabetta Pau Portner | 2010 ArliBrau AG | 47 7 Architekten AG | 4-check AG | A+O Classico GmbH in Liquidation | Aaqutec GmbH in Liquidation | ABC-DESIGN, grafisches Atelier | Actemium Schweiz AG | Activity-Stiftung - Lions Club Dorneck | AD PEDES, Podologie, B. Dellers | Adagio AG | Adastra Investment & Consulting AG | Adebar AG | Adler Orientalisches Restaurant, Inhaber Shaheen | Advokaturbüro Eckstein | Aeromiltec GmbH in Liquidation | Akibo AG in Liquidation | ALCION SES International GmbH | Alispach Malergeschäft AG | Alkag Holding AG | ALKAG Immobilien AG | Allayi Consulting GmbH | allgroup Immobilien AG | allgroup Invest AG | Alltech Installationen AG | Alois Schmidlin AG | Alpar Bau GmbH | Alpha & Omega Invest AG | ALPHA-SPED AG | Alphera Consulting GmbH | Alpmann AG | Alters- und Pflegeheims Landruhe | Altersheim Landruhe | amano ambulante interprofessionelle Gesundheitspflege GmbH | Amara Clothing GmbH | Amavita Schneeberger | AMBIEL 3D | Amdise E-Growth Siegfried |

Companies in Arlesheim

Canton BL

The locality Arlesheim is located in the canton of Basle Country in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Arlesheim are: 47.499576 and 7.6192212. The local date and time in Arlesheim is 12/08/2024, 7:20 PM. Arlesheim (Basel German: Arlese) is a political municipality and capital of the Arlesheim district in the canton of Basel-Landschaft in Switzerland. More infos on Yellow Pages Basle Country.

This company list contains all legal forms (Sole proprietorship, General Partnership, Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Cooperative, Association, Foundation, Public sector institution, Branch, Limited Partnership, Foreign branch, Corporation with unlimited partners, Special legal form, Ownership in undivided shares, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes with a fixed capital, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes with a variable capital, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes, Non commercial power of attorney) of companies in Arlesheim. On this page you will find companies from "La petite Provence" Ruth Wunderer to Amdise E-Growth Siegfried.

The town of Arlesheim belongs to the canton of Basle Country. Basel-Landschaft, often referred to as Baselland, is a German-speaking canton of Switzerland, located in the northwestern part of the country. The capital is Liestal, while the largest town is Allschwil. Baselland is known for its diverse landscapes, which include both urban and rural areas.

Covering an area of about 518 square kilometers, the canton features a mix of hills, valleys, and fertile plains. The Rhine, one of Europe's major rivers, flows through the region and shapes the landscape. Baselland is famous for its picturesque vineyards, charming villages, and historical sites.

Historically, Basel-Landschaft has a rich history closely linked with the city of Basel. The canton was established in 1833 after separating from Basel-Stadt due to political and social tensions. This division led to the creation of two independent half-cantons: Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft.

The economy of Baselland is diverse, encompassing both industry and agriculture. The region is a significant center for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, with several global companies headquartered here. Agriculture also plays an important role, particularly viticulture, which produces high-quality wines. Additionally, the service sector contributes substantially to the canton's economy.

Liestal, the canton's capital, serves as the administrative and cultural hub. The town boasts a well-preserved old town with historical buildings, museums, and cultural events. Liestal is known for its traditional festivals and vibrant community. A notable landmark is the Liestal Town Hall, an impressive building with a long history.

In summary, Basel-Landschaft is a canton characterized by its rich history, diverse economy, and scenic beauty. The region remains an attractive destination for visitors who wish to experience a blend of urban life, rural charm, and cultural richness.

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