List of companies in Bassecourt / Canton Jura
See the list of companies (company list) in Bassecourt. The companies are listed alphabetically: a.crema gelato, Bexheti | AD Networks Sàrl | ADL Building Sàrl | AJ construction-rénovation, Da Cruz Azevedo José | AJ Frères SA | AJS Production, Josette Saunier | Alba&Ciccone&Marquis SNC | Alexandre Desboeufs Sàrl | Alibaba Kebab, Onat Osman | Sàrl | André Kornmayer | Antoine Rebetez | AP Concept Sàrl | APJ Sàrl | Arti-Centre SA | ASSIGNA, Schouller Jérémy | Ateliers Stella SA | Au Coeur de Soi, Chételat Manuela | Au coup d'food Sàrl | AXES Sàrl | Banque Cantonale du Jura - Bassecourt | Bar 4.6, Anthony Frund | Bar Le P'tit Caf, Grellier Céline | Base Coiffure Sàrl | BATIjura Sàrl | Bat'immo Jura, Imeri Gaëlle | Beauty Angel, Sara Nunes Da Silva | Bellotech Sàrl | Berom SA, succursale de Haute-Sorne | Blue' Sàrl | Boegli Théophile, fiduciaire-audit-conseils | Boucherie De Biasio Sàrl | Boucherie-Traiteur Kottelat SA | Broder RealEstate Sàrl en liquidation | BV Camino Sàrl en liquidation | Byga Holding SA | C&A Mode AG Bassecourt | C.R. CONSEILS & COURTAGES LTD, à Londres, succursale de Bassecourt | Cabinet dentaire Thierry Brunod SA | Campos Lopes Francisco |
Companies in Bassecourt
The locality Bassecourt is located in the canton of Jura in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Bassecourt are: 47.3389072 and 7.2427009. The local date and time in Bassecourt is 10/14/2024, 1:00 AM.
Haute-Sorne is a municipality in the canton of Jura in Switzerland that was created on January 1, 2013. The previous political communities Bassecourt, Courfaivre, Glovelier, Soulce and Undervelier merged. In the vote on February 5, 2012, the majority of voters from five of the seven municipalities surveyed voted in favor of the merger, while Boécourt and Saulcy voted against the name Haute -Sorne is derived from the river Sorne, which flows through the region and takes the example of the municipality of Basse-Allaine founded on January 1st, 2009. Haute-Sorne is well established as a name; A football club from the region, the joint secondary school, the fire brigade and the local Raiffeisen bank use this place name.
More infos on Yellow Pages Jura.
This company list contains all legal forms (Sole proprietorship, General Partnership, Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Cooperative, Association,
Foundation, Public sector institution, Branch, Limited Partnership, Foreign branch, Corporation with unlimited partners,
Special legal form, Ownership in undivided shares, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes with a fixed capital,
Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes with a variable capital, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes,
Non commercial power of attorney) of companies in Bassecourt.
On this page you will find companies from a.crema gelato Bexheti to Campos Lopes Francisco.
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