List of companies in Büttenhardt / Canton Schaffhausen
See the list of companies (company list) in Büttenhardt. The companies are listed alphabetically: AS Bauleitungen & Bauführungen Alex Schlatter | Bergauer Holzbau GmbH | Bolli's Määhfarm KlG | Carrosserie-Garage Bruno Kuhn | DH-Marketing, Network Consulting International, Daniel Hayoz | EBRAND GmbH | Ferienheim Büttenhardt Mader | Gemeinde Büttenhardt | GRAF Facility-Services GmbH | HUVAS SA | Lahs Transporte | Landwirtschaftliche Genossenschaft Büttenhardt | LS CARS GmbH in Liquidation | Netzhammer Architekturbüro | Reiat Wohn AG | Restaurant Reiatstube | Sandri Architektur + Beratungen | Service-Agentur Klaus-Dieter Petrich | simon gasser gmbh | Wärmeverbund Buchmann & Muhl GmbH | Werbung Keller | Wertbau Schaffhausen GmbH |
Companies in Büttenhardt
![Canton SH](grafik/wappen_SH_QUAD.gif)
The locality Büttenhardt is located in the canton of Schaffhausen in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Büttenhardt are: 47.7569931 and 8.6532631. The local date and time in Büttenhardt is 01/24/2025, 2:26 PM.
Büttenhardt is a municipality in the canton of Schaffhausen in Switzerland on the German border. The former German exclave Verenahof is located in the municipality.
More infos on Yellow Pages Schaffhausen.
This company list contains all legal forms (Sole proprietorship, General Partnership, Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Cooperative, Association,
Foundation, Public sector institution, Branch, Limited Partnership, Foreign branch, Corporation with unlimited partners,
Special legal form, Ownership in undivided shares, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes with a fixed capital,
Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes with a variable capital, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes,
Non commercial power of attorney) of companies in Büttenhardt.
On this page you will find companies from AS Bauleitungen & Bauführungen Alex Schlatter to Wertbau Schaffhausen GmbH.
The town of Büttenhardt belongs to the canton of Schaffhausen. Schaffhausen is a German-speaking canton of Switzerland located in the northern part of the country, bordering Germany. The capital of the canton is also Schaffhausen. The canton is known for its picturesque vineyards, well-preserved old town, and the impressive Rhine Falls, the largest waterfall in Europe.
Covering an area of approximately 298 square kilometers, Schaffhausen is one of the smaller cantons of Switzerland. The landscape is characterized by rolling hills, forests, and the Rhine River, which flows through the canton and plays a central role in its geography. The Rhine Falls, one of the country's largest tourist attractions, offers visitors a spectacular natural experience and attracts thousands of tourists each year.
Historically, Schaffhausen has a long and significant past. The city of Schaffhausen was an important trading center in the Middle Ages and joined the Swiss Confederation in 1501. The well-preserved old town of Schaffhausen reflects this rich history and impresses with its magnificent burgher houses adorned with oriel windows and frescoes.
The economy of Schaffhausen is traditionally based on agriculture and viticulture, with the canton being known for its high-quality wines. Today, the region is also an important hub for industry and commerce. Companies in the fields of mechanical engineering, watchmaking, and pharmaceuticals have established themselves in Schaffhausen. Tourism, particularly in connection with the Rhine Falls, also plays a crucial role in the local economy.
The city of Schaffhausen, the capital of the canton, is a cultural and economic center. The old town is known for its charming streets, well-preserved historical buildings, and landmarks such as the Monastery of All Saints and the Munot Fortress, which offers stunning views of the city and the Rhine. Schaffhausen is also an important transport hub, connecting the region with other parts of Switzerland and Germany.
In summary, the canton of Schaffhausen is a region that stands out for its rich history, scenic beauty, and economic significance. It remains an attractive destination for visitors who wish to experience a mix of culture, nature, and historical architecture.
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