List of companies in Bellerive / Canton Vaud

See the list of companies (company list) in Bellerive. The companies are listed alphabetically: A La Fine Boucherie Sàrl | ABX concept Sàrl | AktSafe Sàrl | Alpine Lifestyle SA | ATB Architecture-Vully-les-Lacs Sàrl | B&G Pyrolysis GmbH | Beauty at home by Elodie Lauret | BeBV, Therese Vogt | Belle5 Hofkunst | Bennettimmo VD SA | Big Carrelage Mulaj | BitMoon Sàrl | BNF Hotellerie SA | BNF Immo SA | Buvette La Trouvaille, Montaldo Marguerite | Cabinet du Vully / Vully Praxis - Dr Stauffacher | Café-Restaurant Belle5, Eva Güntensperger | CAMBIER SNC | CECOM SALAVAUX SA | Charpente Oulevey Frédérick | chok-design & construction Sàrl | Christian Stucki | COATIM SA | Cuanillon Digital Business | Dallmaier Immobilien Consulting AG | daniDaSS Daniela Portner | Dauti Automobiles Sàrl | Denner Satellit - Salavaux | Die Quelle - Events & Evolution Sàrl | diesunddas-shop Philipp Martin | Dizergie Oliver Dizerens | DVD-loc Sàrl en liquidation | Editions Kabïn Sàrl | Escapade Mentale, Cabinet d'Hypnothérapie - Florian Aeby | faniq sàrl | Florian Aeby Photography | Fondation Avenir Plus | Fondation Roger MONNEY | FTBZ SA | Garage Relais de l'automobile Salavaux S.A. |

Companies in Bellerive

Canton VD

The locality Bellerive is located in the canton of Vaud in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Bellerive are: 46.9204141 and 7.02158. The local date and time in Bellerive is 10/12/2024, 12:05 AM. Vully-les-Lacs has been a municipality in the canton of Vaud in Switzerland since July 1, 2011. Vully-les-Lacs was created on July 1, 2011 from the now former municipalities of Bellerive (VD), Chabrey, Constantine, Montmagny, Mur (VD), Vallamand and Villars-le-Grand. The municipality is located in the village of Salavaux, which belongs to Bellerive, and Cudrefin was originally intended as a merger partner. However, this project was rejected by the voters of the municipality of Cudrefin. In 2005, only Bellerive, Constantine, Montmagny and Vallamand were named as possible merger partners in a preliminary study. By 1811, the communes of Bellerive, Constantine and Montmagny, located south-east of Mont Vully, formed a large commune. The commune name is derived from Mont Vully, on which the commune is located, and "les-Lacs" means that the commune is on two Seen: on Lake Neuchâtel in the northwest and - with a much longer shoreline - on Lake Murten in the east. The Broye, which also flows into Lake Murten, flows through the municipality. Neighboring municipalities are Cudrefin in the north, Mont-Vully in the canton of Friborg to the east, Avenches in the south, Saint-Aubin in the south-west and Delley-Portalban in the west. More infos on Yellow Pages Vaud.

This company list contains all legal forms (Sole proprietorship, General Partnership, Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Cooperative, Association, Foundation, Public sector institution, Branch, Limited Partnership, Foreign branch, Corporation with unlimited partners, Special legal form, Ownership in undivided shares, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes with a fixed capital, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes with a variable capital, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes, Non commercial power of attorney) of companies in Bellerive. On this page you will find companies from A La Fine Boucherie Sàrl to Garage Relais de l'automobile Salavaux S.A..

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