Franz Carl Weber AG - Lausanne


Franz Carl Weber AG - Lausanne
Place de la Palud 16 - 18
1003 Lausanne


021 320 15 15

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Map & Directions
Commercial register ID for Franz Carl Weber AG - Lausanne: CH-

Unique enterprise identification number (UID) for Franz Carl Weber AG - Lausanne:

VAT for Franz Carl Weber AG - Lausanne: MWST

Company description and purpose of company Franz Carl Weber AG - Lausanne

At Franz Carl Weber, large and small customers are equally important Focus: Our goal is to fulfill children's wishes just as much as they do Parents' expectations. And with it joyful enthusiasm in their hearts and to conjure up faces.

Our name stands for tradition and quality, for competent advice and not lastly for a huge selection of products. Run as a designated specialist shop We constantly have a wide, carefully selected range of high-quality products Toys and leisure items. Visit us in one of our twelve branches and discover the playful world of Franz Carl Weber... .

Translated by

The company Franz Carl Weber AG - Lausanne on Place de la Palud 16 - 18 in 1003 Lausanne with the phone number 021 320 15 15 is listed on Latitude and longitude coordinates for Franz Carl Weber AG - Lausanne are: 46.5221828 and 6.6325913. The unique identification number of this portrait is YPW-306710.

The company Franz Carl Weber AG - Lausanne is listed in the branch Shopping centers. The company Franz Carl Weber AG - Lausanne offers its services in the following categories: Play goods, other products or services according to the company's purpose.

Data Source: HELP.CH ®

Which companies are available in the same community? In addition to Franz Carl Weber AG - Lausanne, there are other active companies in the same community 1003 Lausanne. This includes the companies Chubb Versicherungen (Schweiz) AG - Lausanne| Clear Channel Schweiz AG Filiale Westschweiz| ALJA Nouveau AG.

Info about Lausanne

The enterprise Franz Carl Weber AG - Lausanne is registered in the city of Lausanne. Lausanne is a municipality in the canton of Vaud. Vaud is a canton in Romandy, the francophone part of Switzerland, and is part of the Geneva-Lausanne metropolitan region. The capital and largest city is Lausanne. The canton of Vaud is one of 26 cantons in the Swiss Confederation.

The locality Lausanne is located in the canton of Vaud in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Lausanne are: 46.5196535 and 6.6322734. The local date and time in Lausanne is 01/15/2025, 11:21 AM.

Info about Canton Vaud

Vaud is a canton in Romandy, the francophone part of Switzerland, and is part of the Geneva-Lausanne metropolitan region. The capital and largest city is Lausanne. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Vaud center point are: 46.570091 and 6.657809.

The information on this entry in the industry register of the entity Franz Carl Weber AG - Lausanne is provided without guarantee and has no legal effect.


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