Hotel Cristal, Flumserberg Tannenbodenalp


Hotel Cristal
8898 Flumserberg Tannenbodenalp


081 720 16 16
081 720 16 17

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Commercial register ID for Hotel Cristal: CH-320.2.066.993-1

Unique enterprise identification number (UID) for Hotel Cristal: CHE-115.587.193

VAT for Hotel Cristal: CHE-115.587.193 MWST

About the company Hotel Cristal

Hotel Cristal, based in Flumserberg Tannenbodenalp, is a company in Switzerland. Hotel Cristal is active according to the commercial register. The company with the UID number CHE-115.587.193 was founded on 04/12/2010.

Company description and purpose of company Hotel Cristal

Whether a dreamy winter vacation, a relaxing vacation for body and mind, culinary highlights, creative catering, informative seminars or your hiking and mountain bike vacation - our modern hotel with alpine charm offers you individual options for every taste to escape from everyday life. Exactly the right thing for people who like it uncomplicated and personal. Our dedicated team will offer you with friendliness, attention and courteous service a warm setting for a wonderful holiday in the midst of an impressive mountain world. Your host Marvin Kingsley and the entire team at the Hotel Cristal look forward to seeing you.

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The company Hotel Cristal on Tannenboden in 8898 Flumserberg Tannenbodenalp with the phone number 081 720 16 16 is listed on Latitude and longitude coordinates for Hotel Cristal are: 47.09376 and 9.28539. The unique identification number of this portrait is CHE-115.587.193.

The company Hotel Cristal is listed in the branch Hotel - Tourism. The company Hotel Cristal offers its services in the following categories: Hotel, other products or services according to the company's purpose.

Data Source: HELP.CH ®

Which companies are available in the same community? In addition to Hotel Cristal, there are other active companies in the same community 8898 Flumserberg Tannenbodenalp. This includes the companies Restaurant Molseralp| Bergrestaurant Chrüz| Fischer & Rey Rund ums Haus GmbH.

Info about Flumserberg Tannenbodenalp

The enterprise Hotel Cristal is registered in the city of Flumserberg Tannenbodenalp. Flumserberg Tannenbodenalp is a municipality in the canton of St.Gallen. The Canton of St. Gallen is a canton in German-speaking Switzerland and is located in the region of Eastern Switzerland. The capital is the city of the same name, St. Gallen. The canton of St.Gallen is one of 26 cantons in the Swiss Confederation.

The locality Flumserberg Tannenbodenalp is located in the canton of St.Gallen in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Flumserberg Tannenbodenalp are: 47.09224 and 9.28769. The local date and time in Flumserberg Tannenbodenalp is 01/24/2025, 1:45 PM.

Info about Canton St.Gallen

The Canton of St. Gallen is a canton in German-speaking Switzerland and is located in the region of Eastern Switzerland. The capital is the city of the same name, St. Gallen. Latitude and longitude coordinates for St.Gallen center point are: 47.2332 and 9.274744.

The information on this entry in the commercial register of the legal entity Hotel Cristal is provided without guarantee and has no legal effect. Only the certified extracts from the commercial register and the publication texts in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are binding.


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