Gletscher Restaurant
The company Gletscher Restaurant in 3801 Eigergletscher with the phone number 033 828 78 88 is listed on Latitude and longitude coordinates for Gletscher Restaurant are: 46.5990824 and 7.927781. The unique identification number of this portrait is YPW-10371.
The company Gletscher Restaurant is listed in the branch Hotel - Tourism. The company Gletscher Restaurant offers its services in the following categories: Experience Catering Trade, Hotel, Mountain Inns, Sandwiches, Swiss kitchen, other products or services according to the company's purpose.
Data Source: HELP.CH ®
Info about Eigergletscher
The enterprise Gletscher Restaurant on - is registered in the city of Eigergletscher. Eigergletscher is a municipality in the canton of Valais. Valais, officially State of Valais and État du Valais, is a canton in southwestern Switzerland with a French and a German-speaking population. Accordingly, it is divided between French-speaking Switzerland and German-speaking Switzerland. The canton of Valais is one of 26 cantons in the Swiss Confederation.
The locality Eigergletscher is located in the canton of Valais in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. The local date and time in Eigergletscher is 09/20/2024, 8:33 PM.
Info about Canton Valais
Valais, officially State of Valais and État du Valais, is a canton in southwestern Switzerland with a French and a German-speaking population. Accordingly, it is divided between French-speaking Switzerland and German-speaking Switzerland. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Valais center point are: 46.209567 and 7.604659.The information on this entry in the industry register of the entity Gletscher Restaurant on - is provided without guarantee and has no legal effect.