Park Hotel Vitznau, Switzerland


Park Hotel Vitznau
Seestrasse 18
6354 Vitznau


041 399 60 60

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Commercial register ID for Park Hotel Vitznau: CH-100.3.796.075-8

Unique enterprise identification number (UID) for Park Hotel Vitznau: CHE-153.655.134

VAT for Park Hotel Vitznau: CHE-153.655.134 MWST

About the company Park Hotel Vitznau

Park Hotel Vitznau, based in Vitznau, is a company in Switzerland. Park Hotel Vitznau is active according to the commercial register. The company with the UID number CHE-153.655.134 was founded on 03/21/2013. In the database of the IGE (Swiss Federal Institute for Intellectual Property) there are currently trademarks or applications for the company Park Hotel Vitznau.

Company description and purpose of company Park Hotel Vitznau

When elegance meets excellence Centennial walls enclose an interior that couldn't be more inviting - this is how the Park Hotel Vitznau presents itself after extensive renovation. This took place entirely in accordance with the motto “Preserve the past, shape the future”. In the magnificent historical building, the latest technology is integrated into the elegant, luxurious furnishings, nostalgic charm is perfectly combined with amenities that arose from a visionary concept. The sparkling jewel is shaped by the three themed worlds Wine & Dine, Art & Culture and Health & Wealth. The various hotel areas as well as the 47 residences, suites and junior suites are individually equipped with great attention to detail and the most modern technical comfort. We spoil you with culinary delights in the two restaurants and on the lakeside terrace. The passionate sommelier team will be happy to help you choose the wine from one of the six exclusive wine cellars. End the day in style with a cocktail in the bar or in the living room or with a cigar in the smoking room. Vitznau is the ideal starting point for expeditions into the breathtaking surroundings of central Switzerland. Whatever worlds you would like to discover, whether outside or inside the hotel - your wish is our need.

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The company Park Hotel Vitznau on Seestrasse 18 in 6354 Vitznau with the phone number 041 399 60 60 is listed on Latitude and longitude coordinates for Park Hotel Vitznau are: 47.0109287 and 8.4830951. The unique identification number of this portrait is CHE-153.655.134.

The company Park Hotel Vitznau is listed in the branch Luxushotels. The company Park Hotel Vitznau offers its services in the following categories: 5 star hotels, other products or services according to the company's purpose.

Data Source: HELP.CH ®

Which companies are available at the same address? In addition to Park Hotel Vitznau, there are other active companies at the same address Seestrasse 18, 6354 Vitznau. This includes the companies ZZ Vermögensberatung (Schweiz) AG| POK Pühringer AG| cereneo International AG.

Info about Vitznau

The enterprise Park Hotel Vitznau is registered in the city of Vitznau. Vitznau is a municipality in the canton of Lucerne. Lucerne is a German-speaking canton of Switzerland and belongs to the greater region of Central Switzerland. The capital and also the most populous place is the city of the same name Lucerne. The canton of Lucerne is one of 26 cantons in the Swiss Confederation.

The locality Vitznau is located in the canton of Lucerne in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Vitznau are: 47.0102021 and 8.4833558. The local date and time in Vitznau is 01/25/2025, 1:52 PM.

Info about Canton Lucerne

Lucerne is a German-speaking canton of Switzerland and belongs to the greater region of Central Switzerland. The capital and also the most populous place is the city of the same name Lucerne. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Lucerne center point are: 47.067763 and 8.1102.

The information on this entry in the commercial register of the legal entity Park Hotel Vitznau is provided without guarantee and has no legal effect. Only the certified extracts from the commercial register and the publication texts in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are binding.


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