Aschi Widmer's Entdeckungsreisen


Aschi Widmer's Entdeckungsreisen
Burgdorfholzstrasse 31
3006 Bern


031 931 09 50
031 931 10 54

Company description and purpose of company Aschi Widmer's Entdeckungsreisen

Since I published my first travel program in 1992, it has grown tremendously. If I were to put it "managerial" by eight hundred percent! Instead of a journey as it was then, it now includes eight. But one thing has stayed the same on my voyage of discovery: We, the guides, are all “eaten up”. Eaten by our travel destinations. We have all traveled to “our” regions on our own for months or live there. We all established our network of relationships there, which are also useful in emergencies. And we all look forward to accompanying our guests through our favorite travel areas.

Translated by

The company Aschi Widmer's Entdeckungsreisen on Burgdorfholzstrasse 31 in 3006 Bern with the phone number 031 931 09 50 is listed on Latitude and longitude coordinates for Aschi Widmer's Entdeckungsreisen are: 46.9574455 and 7.4761141. The unique identification number of this portrait is YPW-13942.

The company Aschi Widmer's Entdeckungsreisen is listed in the branch Travel. The company Aschi Widmer's Entdeckungsreisen offers its services in the following categories: Adventure travels, Camping, Culture travels, Destination Africa, Destination Orient / Arabie, Destination South Amerika, Experience travels, Holidays vehicle / Car hire, Nature travels / Expeditions, Safari, Study trips, Trekking / Desert travels, other products or services according to the company's purpose.

Data Source: HELP.CH ®

Which companies are available at the same street? In addition to Aschi Widmer's Entdeckungsreisen, there are other active companies at the same street Burgdorfholzstrasse, 3006 Bern. This includes the companies B. Zwygart.

Info about Bern

The enterprise Aschi Widmer's Entdeckungsreisen is registered in the city of Bern. Bern is a municipality in the canton of Berne. Berne is a canton in the west of Switzerland. The capital and also the most populous place is the federal city of Berne. The so-called "Röstigraben", the interface between the German-speaking and French-speaking parts of Switzerland, runs through the canton of Berne. The canton of Berne is one of 26 cantons in the Swiss Confederation.

The locality Bern is located in the canton of Berne in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Bern are: 46.9479739 and 7.4474468. The local date and time in Bern is 01/20/2025, 9:15 PM.

Info about Canton Berne

Berne is a canton in the west of Switzerland. The capital and also the most populous place is the federal city of Berne. The so-called "Röstigraben", the interface between the German-speaking and French-speaking parts of Switzerland, runs through the canton of Berne. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Berne center point are: 46.823608 and 7.636667.

The information on this entry in the industry register of the entity Aschi Widmer's Entdeckungsreisen is provided without guarantee and has no legal effect.


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