Gasthof Bären Attiswil
Map & Directions
Commercial register ID for Gasthof Bären Attiswil: CH-
Unique enterprise identification number (UID) for Gasthof Bären Attiswil: CHE-427.951.918
VAT for Gasthof Bären Attiswil: CHE-427.951.918 MWST
About the company Gasthof Bären Attiswil
Gasthof Bären Attiswil, based in Attiswil, is a company in Switzerland. Gasthof Bären Attiswil is active according to the commercial register. The company with the UID number CHE-427.951.918 was founded on 02/13/2013.
Company description and purpose of company Gasthof Bären Attiswil
To describe the Gasthof Bären in Attiswil in a few words is impossible due to our creativity and insatiable desire for new things. In the last two years, the Gasthof Bären grew out of the "idea" of the Rodizio, already practiced by us in the canton of Neuchâtel, the Brazilian menu, in which our Brazilian grill master (Churrasquiero) serves various delicious grilled meats on skewers fresh at the table Developed into an international gastronomic experience over the years. With our international, young and dynamic team, an Italian-inspired menu, a fondue and raclette room (roofed and heated), a pizzeria and a burger restaurant have also been created. We look forward to serving you all of our specialties under the culinary direction of our head chef Rico Lalicata. We are also happy to take your group reservations for private or company events. Enjoy and experience Brazil, Italy and Switzerland at the Gasthof Bären in Attiswil. The bear team is looking forward to your visit!.
Translated by google.comThe company Gasthof Bären Attiswil on Oltenstrasse 4 in 4536 Attiswil with the phone number 032 637 03 53 is listed on Latitude and longitude coordinates for Gasthof Bären Attiswil are: 47.2470359 and 7.6138835. The unique identification number of this portrait is CHE-427.951.918.
The company Gasthof Bären Attiswil is listed in the branch Hotel - Tourism. The company Gasthof Bären Attiswil offers its services in the following categories: French kitchen, Gourmet-Restaurant, Hotel, Michelin, Swiss kitchen, Vegetarian kitchen, other products or services according to the company's purpose.
Data Source: HELP.CH ®
Which companies are available at the same address? In addition to Gasthof Bären Attiswil, there are other active companies at the same address Oltenstrasse 4, 4536 Attiswil. This includes the companies Krasniqi| Süessli inh. Acat.
Info about Attiswil
The enterprise Gasthof Bären Attiswil is registered in the city of Attiswil. Attiswil is a municipality in the canton of Berne. Berne is a canton in the west of Switzerland. The capital and also the most populous place is the federal city of Berne. The so-called "Röstigraben", the interface between the German-speaking and French-speaking parts of Switzerland, runs through the canton of Berne. The canton of Berne is one of 26 cantons in the Swiss Confederation.
The locality Attiswil is located in the canton of Berne in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Attiswil are: 47.2471427 and 7.6131632. The local date and time in Attiswil is 01/25/2025, 9:16 PM.
Info about Canton Berne
Berne is a canton in the west of Switzerland. The capital and also the most populous place is the federal city of Berne. The so-called "Röstigraben", the interface between the German-speaking and French-speaking parts of Switzerland, runs through the canton of Berne. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Berne center point are: 46.823608 and 7.636667.The information on this entry in the commercial register of the legal entity Gasthof Bären Attiswil is provided without guarantee and has no legal effect. Only the certified extracts from the commercial register and the publication texts in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are binding.