Ernst Buser AG Ormalingen
Ernst Buser AG OrmalingenHauptstrasse 175
4466 Ormalingen
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Commercial register ID for Ernst Buser AG Ormalingen: CH-
Unique enterprise identification number (UID) for Ernst Buser AG Ormalingen: CHE-115.769.819
VAT for Ernst Buser AG Ormalingen: CHE-115.769.819 MWST
About the company Ernst Buser AG Ormalingen
Ernst Buser AG Ormalingen, based in Ormalingen, is a company in Switzerland. Ernst Buser AG Ormalingen is active according to the commercial register. The company with the UID number CHE-115.769.819 was founded on 06/21/2010.
Company description and purpose of company Ernst Buser AG Ormalingen
- We are where people expect us - We treat people equally and free from prejudice according to the commandments of respect, dignity and decency - We lead and behave as role models - We focus on people without restriction and listen carefully to them - We are strong together and achieve the goals that take us further - We secure jobs today and in the future and take our social responsibility as an employer seriously - We keep pace with technological developments and make our work environment safe - We consider the legal provisions in the field of Environmental protection as the minimum standard to be complied with - We gear our behavior towards sustainability, recycling and professional disposal - We are customers of our own organization - We communicate according to the motto 'True - degree - clear' and proactively seek dialogue with our environment - We think in terms of solutions and react quickly Flexible and target-oriented to challenges - We reward creativity, ideas, commitment and loyalty - We make joint decisions and act consistently according to these - We promote training and further education to ensure quality and motivation.
Translated by google.comThe company Ernst Buser AG Ormalingen on Hauptstrasse 175 in 4466 Ormalingen with the phone number 061 985 87 87 is listed on Latitude and longitude coordinates for Ernst Buser AG Ormalingen are: 47.4700503 and 7.8688146. The unique identification number of this portrait is CHE-115.769.819.
The company Ernst Buser AG Ormalingen is listed in the branch Car industry - Transportation. The company Ernst Buser AG Ormalingen offers its services in the following categories: Car accessories, Garages, New vehicle, Replacement parts, Used cars, Workshop, other products or services according to the company's purpose.
Data Source: HELP.CH ®
Which companies are available at the same address? In addition to Ernst Buser AG Ormalingen, there are other active companies at the same address Hauptstrasse 175, 4466 Ormalingen. This includes the companies Ernst Buser Holding AG Ormalingen.
Info about Ormalingen
The enterprise Ernst Buser AG Ormalingen is registered in the city of Ormalingen. Ormalingen is a municipality in the canton of Basle Country. Basle Country is a canton in German-speaking Switzerland and is part of the economic region of northwestern Switzerland and the cross-border metropolitan region of Basle. The capital is Liestal, the most populous place is Allschwil. The canton of Basle Country is one of 26 cantons in the Swiss Confederation.
The locality Ormalingen is located in the canton of Basle Country in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Ormalingen are: 47.4687391 and 7.8761325. The local date and time in Ormalingen is 01/25/2025, 2:48 PM.
Info about Canton Basle Country
Basle Country is a canton in German-speaking Switzerland and is part of the economic region of northwestern Switzerland and the cross-border metropolitan region of Basle. The capital is Liestal, the most populous place is Allschwil. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Basle Country center point are: 47.45176 and 7.702414.The information on this entry in the commercial register of the legal entity Ernst Buser AG Ormalingen is provided without guarantee and has no legal effect. Only the certified extracts from the commercial register and the publication texts in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are binding.