Parco Paradiso, Suitenhotel
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Company description and purpose of company Parco Paradiso, Suitenhotel
Completely renovated, breathtaking view of Lake Lugano and very quiet. This company purpose was stated when the company Parco Paradiso, Suitenhotel was entered in the industry register
Translated by google.comThe company Parco Paradiso, Suitenhotel on via Carona 27 in 6900 Lugano with the phone number 091 993 11 11 is listed on Latitude and longitude coordinates for Parco Paradiso, Suitenhotel are: 45.9881326 and 8.9462139. The unique identification number of this portrait is YPW-14524.
The company Parco Paradiso, Suitenhotel is listed in the branch Hotel - Tourism. The company Parco Paradiso, Suitenhotel offers its services in the following categories: Hotel, other products or services according to the company's purpose.
Data Source: HELP.CH ®
Which companies are available in the same community? In addition to Parco Paradiso, Suitenhotel, there are other active companies in the same community 6900 Lugano. This includes the companies ACS Viaggi| Citytrans Lugano| Casinos Austria (Swiss) AG.
Info about Lugano
The enterprise Parco Paradiso, Suitenhotel is registered in the city of Lugano. Lugano is a municipality in the canton of Ticino. Ticino, officially ital. Repubblica e Cantone Ticino, is a canton in Italian-speaking Switzerland, one of the four language regions and national cultures of Switzerland. The capital is Bellinzona, the most populous place is Lugano. The canton of Ticino is one of 26 cantons in the Swiss Confederation.
The locality Lugano is located in the canton of Ticino in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Lugano are: 46.0036778 and 8.951052. The local date and time in Lugano is 09/20/2024, 8:34 PM.
Info about Canton Ticino
Ticino, officially ital. Repubblica e Cantone Ticino, is a canton in Italian-speaking Switzerland, one of the four language regions and national cultures of Switzerland. The capital is Bellinzona, the most populous place is Lugano. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Ticino center point are: 46.295617 and 8.808924.The information on this entry in the industry register of the entity Parco Paradiso, Suitenhotel is provided without guarantee and has no legal effect.