Hotel Goldener Adler


Hotel Goldener Adler
Adlerbrückengasse 9
39042 Brixen

+39 472 200 621

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Company description and purpose of company Hotel Goldener Adler

The Hotel Goldener Adler is not just any hotel, it is a hotel with history, charm and style. Built over 500 years ago, it was the city's first hotel. Much has been preserved over the centuries, some have been restored or reproduced with a love for detail and history. Since the renovation in 1998, the charm of the art and romantic hotel has come into its own: warm colors, fine furniture and selected fabrics flatter the historical ambience and underline the architecture of bygone times. You can expect thick walls, cozy niches, a Gothic atrium, a romantic fireplace corner, masterful vaults and warm service. Today the hotel - which is one of the most beautiful hotels in Bressanone - has 30 stylish rooms, the furniture is adapted to the house, whereby you can rely on the modern luxury of satellite TV, internet connection, radio, telephone, safe, hairdryer, ... not have to do without.

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The company Hotel Goldener Adler on Adlerbrückengasse 9 in 39042 Brixen is listed on Latitude and longitude coordinates for Hotel Goldener Adler are: 46.7177048 and 11.6572436. The unique identification number of this portrait is YPW-14619.

The company Hotel Goldener Adler is listed in the branch Hotel - Tourism. The company Hotel Goldener Adler offers its services in the following categories: Candlelight, Italian kitchen, Michelin, other products or services according to the company's purpose.

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The information on this entry in the industry register of the entity Hotel Goldener Adler is provided without guarantee and has no legal effect.


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