Raiffeisenbank Bissone
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Commercial register ID for Raiffeisenbank Bissone: CH-320.5.002.226-0
Unique enterprise identification number (UID) for Raiffeisenbank Bissone: CHE-105.997.193
VAT for Raiffeisenbank Bissone: CHE-105.997.193 MWST
About the company Raiffeisenbank Bissone
Raiffeisenbank Bissone, based in Bissone, is a company in Switzerland. Raiffeisenbank Bissone is active according to the commercial register. The company with the UID number CHE-105.997.193 was founded on 02/18/1919. In the database of the IGE (Swiss Federal Institute for Intellectual Property) there are currently several trademarks or applications for the company Raiffeisenbank Bissone.
Company description and purpose of company Raiffeisenbank Bissone
Raiffeisen - a modern banking group with deep roots. Raiffeisen is the third largest banking group in Switzerland and a leader in the retail business. Sustainable success requires a strong organization with clearly defined structures, contemporary products and services, committed employees and reliable partners - and the trust of our customers. Our unique strengths: Strong local roots and the cooperative idea that has shaped our business every day for over 100 years. 3.7 million Swiss people rely on our advisory skills, our needs-based products and Raiffeisen's fair business policy.
Translated by google.comThe company Raiffeisenbank Bissone on Piazza Zorzi in 6816 Bissone with the phone number 091 649 85 37 is listed on Yellowpages.swiss. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Raiffeisenbank Bissone are: 45.9513642 and 8.9647142. The unique identification number of this portrait is CHE-105.997.193.
The company Raiffeisenbank Bissone is listed in the branch Economics - Finances. The company Raiffeisenbank Bissone offers its services in the following categories: Bank Raiffeisen group, Banks, other products or services according to the company's purpose.
Data Source: HELP.CH ®
Which companies are available at the same street? In addition to Raiffeisenbank Bissone, there are other active companies at the same street Piazza, 6816 Bissone. This includes the companies AXA - Punto di vendita Bissone| Albergo Ristorante La Palma| Gemeinde Bissone.
Info about Bissone
The enterprise Raiffeisenbank Bissone is registered in the city of Bissone. Bissone is a municipality in the canton of Ticino. Ticino, officially ital. Repubblica e Cantone Ticino, is a canton in Italian-speaking Switzerland, one of the four language regions and national cultures of Switzerland. The capital is Bellinzona, the most populous place is Lugano. The canton of Ticino is one of 26 cantons in the Swiss Confederation.
The locality Bissone is located in the canton of Ticino in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Bissone are: 45.9531322 and 8.9651123. The local date and time in Bissone is 01/13/2025, 7:56 AM.
Info about Canton Ticino
Ticino, officially ital. Repubblica e Cantone Ticino, is a canton in Italian-speaking Switzerland, one of the four language regions and national cultures of Switzerland. The capital is Bellinzona, the most populous place is Lugano. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Ticino center point are: 46.295617 and 8.808924.The information on this entry in the commercial register of the legal entity Raiffeisenbank Bissone is provided without guarantee and has no legal effect. Only the certified extracts from the commercial register and the publication texts in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are binding.