Läderach Chocolatier Suisse - Bahnhofstrasse
Läderach Chocolatier Suisse - BahnhofstrasseBahnhofstrasse 106
8001 Zürich
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Commercial register ID for Läderach Chocolatier Suisse - Bahnhofstrasse: CH-
Unique enterprise identification number (UID) for Läderach Chocolatier Suisse - Bahnhofstrasse: CHE-105.952.960
VAT for Läderach Chocolatier Suisse - Bahnhofstrasse: CHE-105.952.960 MWST
About the company Läderach Chocolatier Suisse - Bahnhofstrasse
Läderach Chocolatier Suisse - Bahnhofstrasse, based in Zürich, is a company in Switzerland. Läderach Chocolatier Suisse - Bahnhofstrasse is active according to the commercial register. The company with the UID number CHE-105.952.960 was founded on 06/20/1989. In the database of the IGE (Swiss Federal Institute for Intellectual Property) there are currently several trademarks or applications for the company Läderach Chocolatier Suisse - Bahnhofstrasse.
Company description and purpose of company Läderach Chocolatier Suisse - Bahnhofstrasse
In the middle of the mighty Glarus Alps, there is an impressive factory for the finest Swiss confectionery specialties with over 250 employees. Confiseur Läderach AG has initially established itself as a trusted address for professional users in specialist shops and upscale restaurants for a wide range of high-quality chocolate and confectionery specialties. With the purchase of Merkur Confiserien AG in 2004, Läderach began to build up a second mainstay as a consumer brand. Today, the second generation independent family company sells a wide range of pralines, truffles, confectionery and fresh chocolate for discerning customers in its own boutiques around the world. Since September 2012, thanks to a new factory for the production of the chocolate mass in Switzerland, the entire value-added process “from the cocoa bean to the shop counter” has been largely independently controlled. The family company based in Ennenda sells the brands “Läderach - chocolatier suisse” and “Läderach Professional” under “Läderach - the chocolate family”. The company has a production site in Switzerland and Germany. The artisanal premium products are offered in around 50 own chocolate boutiques with sales locations in Switzerland and Germany as well as through sales partners in the Middle East and Asia. The semi-finished and finished products are sold worldwide to specialist customers in the upscale hotel and catering industry. The most important export markets include Japan, the Middle East, the USA, Great Britain and Southeast Asia.
Translated by google.comThe company Läderach Chocolatier Suisse - Bahnhofstrasse on Bahnhofstrasse 106 in 8001 Zürich with the phone number 044 211 53 72 is listed on Yellowpages.swiss. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Läderach Chocolatier Suisse - Bahnhofstrasse are: 47.3765492 and 8.539873. The unique identification number of this portrait is CHE-105.952.960.
The company Läderach Chocolatier Suisse - Bahnhofstrasse is listed in the branch Hotel - Tourism. The company Läderach Chocolatier Suisse - Bahnhofstrasse offers its services in the following categories: Chocolate-Production, Confiserie, Pastry shop, other products or services according to the company's purpose.
Data Source: HELP.CH ®
Which companies are available at the same address? In addition to Läderach Chocolatier Suisse - Bahnhofstrasse, there are other active companies at the same address Bahnhofstrasse 106, 8001 Zürich. This includes the companies BLANKART & CIE Aktiengesellschaft| Options Group (Suisse) AG| Optimus Family and Wealth Management AG.
Info about Zürich
The enterprise Läderach Chocolatier Suisse - Bahnhofstrasse is registered in the city of Zürich. Zürich is a municipality in the canton of Zurich. Zurich is a German-speaking canton in the northeast of Switzerland. The capital is the city of the same name, Zurich. The canton of Zurich is one of 26 cantons in the Swiss Confederation.
The locality Zürich is located in the canton of Zurich in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Zürich are: 47.3768866 and 8.541694. The local date and time in Zürich is 01/13/2025, 7:40 AM.
Info about Canton Zurich
Zurich is a German-speaking canton in the northeast of Switzerland. The capital is the city of the same name, Zurich. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Zurich center point are: 47.41275 and 8.65508.The information on this entry in the commercial register of the legal entity Läderach Chocolatier Suisse - Bahnhofstrasse is provided without guarantee and has no legal effect. Only the certified extracts from the commercial register and the publication texts in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are binding.