CANAL ALPHA SA, Cortaillod


Rochettes 3
2016 Cortaillod


032 842 22 56
032 842 35 58

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Commercial register ID for CANAL ALPHA SA: CH-645.1.001.489-1

Unique enterprise identification number (UID) for CANAL ALPHA SA: CHE-104.153.471

VAT for CANAL ALPHA SA: CHE-104.153.471 MWST

About the company CANAL ALPHA SA

CANAL ALPHA SA, based in Cortaillod, is a company in Switzerland. CANAL ALPHA SA is active according to the commercial register.

Company description and purpose of company CANAL ALPHA SA

Since July 16, 2014, Canal Alpha has been broadcast throughout Switzerland in high definition (HD) via the Swisscom TV offer. This concerns the two channels offering content specific to each region of its concession area: - Canal Alpha NE HD (canton of Neuchâtel and region of Yverdon) - Canal Alpha JU HD (canton of Jura and Bernese Jura) 'Arc jurassien is delighted to be able to offer its viewers incomparable image quality with a resolution 5 times higher than the standard definition, more detailed images, sharper contours and truer colors. In 2010, Canal Alpha was a pioneer in producing all of its “home” programs in native high definition in 1080i format! The decision to transmit in this format depends on the operators (cable operators, IPTV, web TV); the HD signal being made available to them if they wish to share it with their subscribers. With the broadcast of the channel in HD on Swisscom TV, Canal Alpha has adapted its logo to differentiate its different channels.

Translated by

The company CANAL ALPHA SA on Rochettes 3 in 2016 Cortaillod with the phone number 032 842 22 56 is listed on Latitude and longitude coordinates for CANAL ALPHA SA are: 46.9460985 and 6.8407523. The unique identification number of this portrait is CHE-104.153.471.

The company CANAL ALPHA SA is listed in the branch Media. The company CANAL ALPHA SA offers its services in the following categories: Maintenance, Media, Media - Television tv-stations, other products or services according to the company's purpose.

Data Source: HELP.CH ®

Which companies are available in the same community? In addition to CANAL ALPHA SA, there are other active companies in the same community 2016 Cortaillod. This includes the companies Avesco Rent AG - Cortaillod| Arrigo et Cie S.A.| Buro Sélection SA.

Info about Cortaillod

The enterprise CANAL ALPHA SA is registered in the city of Cortaillod. Cortaillod is a municipality in the canton of Neuchâtel. Neuchâtel, officially République et Canton de Neuchâtel in French, is a canton in the French-speaking part of Switzerland and is part of the Espace Mittelland region and the capital region of Switzerland. The canton of Neuchâtel is one of 26 cantons in the Swiss Confederation.

The locality Cortaillod is located in the canton of Neuchâtel in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Cortaillod are: 46.9431271 and 6.8467863. The local date and time in Cortaillod is 01/13/2025, 8:33 AM.

Info about Canton Neuchâtel

Neuchâtel, officially République et Canton de Neuchâtel in French, is a canton in the French-speaking part of Switzerland and is part of the Espace Mittelland region and the capital region of Switzerland. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Neuchâtel center point are: 46.995534 and 6.780126.

The information on this entry in the commercial register of the legal entity CANAL ALPHA SA is provided without guarantee and has no legal effect. Only the certified extracts from the commercial register and the publication texts in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are binding.


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