Company Der Hauptsitz, Bern
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Company description and purpose of company Der Hauptsitz
The head office is a co-working space and cultural location in the middle of the city of Bern, in the PROGR - Center for Cultural Production. This company purpose was stated when the company Der Hauptsitz was entered in the industry register
Translated by google.comThe company Der Hauptsitz on Speichergasse 4 in 3011 Bern with the phone number 079 708 07 26 is listed on Latitude and longitude coordinates for Der Hauptsitz are: 46.9503361 and 7.4429804. The unique identification number of this portrait is YPW-290969.
The company Der Hauptsitz is listed in the branch Home - Real estates. The company Der Hauptsitz offers its services in the following categories: Leasing, Rooms, offices, conference rooms, other products or services according to the company's purpose.
Data Source: HELP.CH ®
Which companies are available at the same address? In addition to Der Hauptsitz, there are other active companies at the same address Speichergasse 4, 3011 Bern. This includes the companies Tango-Ericandjeusa Tanzschule| Jessica Zuber Campaigning & Consulting.
Info about Bern
The enterprise Der Hauptsitz is registered in the city of Bern. Bern is a municipality in the canton of Berne. Berne is a canton in the west of Switzerland. The capital and also the most populous place is the federal city of Berne. The so-called "Röstigraben", the interface between the German-speaking and French-speaking parts of Switzerland, runs through the canton of Berne. The canton of Berne is one of 26 cantons in the Swiss Confederation.
The locality Bern is located in the canton of Berne in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Bern are: 46.9479739 and 7.4474468. The local date and time in Bern is 01/13/2025, 7:29 AM.
Info about Canton Berne
Berne is a canton in the west of Switzerland. The capital and also the most populous place is the federal city of Berne. The so-called "Röstigraben", the interface between the German-speaking and French-speaking parts of Switzerland, runs through the canton of Berne. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Berne center point are: 46.823608 and 7.636667.The information on this entry in the industry register of the entity Der Hauptsitz is provided without guarantee and has no legal effect.