Domaine Château-du-Crest, J. Meyer & Cie


Domaine Château-du-Crest, J. Meyer & Cie
route du Château du Crest 40
1254 Jussy


022 759 11 23

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Commercial register ID for Domaine Château-du-Crest, J. Meyer & Cie: CH-660.2.178.006-8

Unique enterprise identification number (UID) for Domaine Château-du-Crest, J. Meyer & Cie: CHE-113.181.578

VAT for Domaine Château-du-Crest, J. Meyer & Cie: CHE-113.181.578 MWST

About the company Domaine Château-du-Crest, J. Meyer & Cie

Domaine Château-du-Crest, J. Meyer & Cie, based in Jussy, is a company in Switzerland. Domaine Château-du-Crest, J. Meyer & Cie is active according to the commercial register.

Company description and purpose of company Domaine Château-du-Crest, J. Meyer & Cie

L'antique Château du Crest a été construit vers l'an 1220. Fière maison forte avec fossés, pont-levis et murs crénelés percés de meurtrières, elle appartient successivement aux seigneurs de Compeys (Compois) puis aux Rovorée. Au début du XVIe siècle, Jacques de Savoie, abbé d'Entremont et "ami" de la Dame du Crest, Louise Blonay-Rovorée, fait du Château un foyer de conspiration against Genève. En raison de luttes endémiques opposant Genève à la Savoie, le Crest est démantelé en 1590 par ordre de la Seigneurie craignant de voir s'y installer une garnison savoyarde à proximité de Genève.

Translated by

The company Domaine Château-du-Crest, J. Meyer & Cie on route du Château du Crest 40 in 1254 Jussy with the phone number 022 759 11 23 is listed on Latitude and longitude coordinates for Domaine Château-du-Crest, J. Meyer & Cie are: 46.2362302 and 6.256902. The unique identification number of this portrait is CHE-113.181.578.

The company Domaine Château-du-Crest, J. Meyer & Cie is listed in the branch Shopping. The company Domaine Château-du-Crest, J. Meyer & Cie offers its services in the following categories: Liquor drinks, Beers, Wines, other products or services according to the company's purpose.

Data Source: HELP.CH ®

Which companies are available in the same community? In addition to Domaine Château-du-Crest, J. Meyer & Cie, there are other active companies in the same community 1254 Jussy. This includes the companies Postfiliale Jussy| Gemeinde Jussy| Galaben Participations SA.

Info about Jussy

The enterprise Domaine Château-du-Crest, J. Meyer & Cie is registered in the city of Jussy. Jussy is a municipality in the canton of Geneva. Geneva, officially french. République et Canton de Genève, is a canton in the Romandie, the francophone part of Switzerland and belongs to the metropolitan region Geneva-Lausanne. The capital is the eponymous city of Geneva. The canton of Geneva is one of 26 cantons in the Swiss Confederation.

The locality Jussy is located in the canton of Geneva in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Jussy are: 46.2347656 and 6.2652187. The local date and time in Jussy is 09/08/2024, 8:06 AM.

Info about Canton Geneva

Geneva, officially french. République et Canton de Genève, is a canton in the Romandie, the francophone part of Switzerland and belongs to the metropolitan region Geneva-Lausanne. The capital is the eponymous city of Geneva. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Geneva center point are: 46.220528 and 6.132935.

The information on this entry in the commercial register of the legal entity Domaine Château-du-Crest, J. Meyer & Cie is provided without guarantee and has no legal effect. Only the certified extracts from the commercial register and the publication texts in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) are binding.


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