List of companies in Risch / Canton Zug

See the list of companies (company list) in Risch. The companies are listed alphabetically: "flower art-studio" Evita Filipova | 111 Internet Z'graggen | 2B Haus AG in Liquidation | 2B1 Service Tobler | 3 Mountain Holding AG | 360 Counsel GmbH | 3A Glasschutzfolien GmbH | 3C Partners GmbH | 3P Professionals GmbH | 3S TreSolutions, Markus A. Niedrist | 3sbros GmbH | 3V-Power AG in Liquidation | 4 MC Holding AG | 4-D Smart Building Solutions AG | 4NL Holding Switzerland AG | 4Trade Consulting AG | 58 Bau GmbH | 58 Care GmbH | 58 Finanz GmbH | 58 Handels GmbH | 58 Treuhand Gmbh | 6343 IMMO GmbH | 812 Concept Francesco Romagnolo | 8FS AG | 8RED GmbH | A & Partner Bau AG | A&B Promotion Arnold und Partner | A&R Solutions GmbH | A&S Projects GmbH | A.-G. für überseeische Brauereien in Liquidation | A2A Pharma AG | A2O Holding AG | A2Options GmbH | A4 Agentur AG | AA Group Financial Consulting AG | AAA Derivaten Management AG | Aareon RELion GmbH, Mainz, Zweigniederlassung Risch | AB Buchhaltung & Treuhand AG | AB InBev Holdings GmbH | AB InBev International Investments GmbH |

Companies in Risch

Canton ZG

The locality Risch is located in the canton of Zug in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Risch are: 47.133988 and 8.466167. The local date and time in Risch is 09/08/2024, 8:28 AM. Risch is a municipality in the canton of Zug in Switzerland, made up of the small town of Rotkreuz and the villages of Risch, Buonas and Holzhäusern. It is located in the Ennetsee region and is part of the Zurich metropolitan region. Because of this and due to its status as an energy city and a low tax rate, Risch is one of the most attractive municipalities in the Confederation and has the highest quality locations in Switzerland. With an annual population growth of around 1.7 percent, Risch is one of the fastest growing municipalities in Switzerland, and with 10,439 inhabitants with economic residence (June 30, 2015) the fourth largest municipality in the canton of Zug. In the history of the municipality Risch followed the military France intervened in 1798, the merger of the Bailiwick of Gangolfswil and the rule of Buona to form today's political municipality of Risch. Through the construction of the railway, Rotkreuz became the economic center and through the construction of the town hall it became the capital of the municipality of Risch, which is why it is de facto called Risch Rotkreuz. The town of Risch celebrated its 850th anniversary in 2009 and is known from Peter von Hertenstein, who founded the Papal Swiss Guard here, Gut Aabach, the Buonas and Freudenberg castles, the largest golf course in Switzerland, the important Rotkreuz train station and as Regionally important pharmaceutical site through Roche Diagnostics (company headquarters and training center) and Novartis (site centralization). More infos on Yellow Pages Zug.

This company list contains all legal forms (Sole proprietorship, General Partnership, Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Cooperative, Association, Foundation, Public sector institution, Branch, Limited Partnership, Foreign branch, Corporation with unlimited partners, Special legal form, Ownership in undivided shares, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes with a fixed capital, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes with a variable capital, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes, Non commercial power of attorney) of companies in Risch. On this page you will find companies from "flower art-studio" Evita Filipova to AB InBev International Investments GmbH.

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