List of companies in Cologny / Canton Geneva

See the list of companies (company list) in Cologny. The companies are listed alphabetically: 225 B2 Sàrl | 2HR Sàrl | 4Alpha Management Sàrl | A. + I. Cittadini | AB2 Sàrl | Academy Classical Music Sàrl | AcqWire Sàrl | Adaula SA | ADENERGIES, Genitoni Sylvain | ADRIATICA FINE FOOD SA | Advanced Energy Technologies Sàrl | AEC SA | AETC & Associés SA | AETC Sàrl | AFAC - Académie de Formation Avancée en Courtage SNC | African Future Champions SA, en liquidation | ag18 Sàrl | AGEDA COMMUNICATION SARL | Agribu SA | Ai4 Architecture & Investissements Sàrl | Akoleo SA | Alejandra Ruiz Rubio Interiors | Alfabe Sàrl | ALFAVITE SA | ALIV Capital Sàrl | Alive Again Garments, Julien Reyl | Alpaga - Paul Doy | Ambror Capital Sàrl | Amorim dos Santos | ANAPHS SA | Anastasia Rozenberg Golden Continent | ANDROMEDIA SA | Andy Nash Sàrl | Anton Matveev | Applied Technologies and Services ATS SA | Arias Pretell, Jamila Boutique | Aries Inter Sàrl | Aries International SA | ARive Sàrl | ART & ENTREPRISE Sàrl |

Companies in Cologny

Canton GE

The locality Cologny is located in the canton of Geneva in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Cologny are: 46.224552 and 6.1827372. The local date and time in Cologny is 01/20/2025, 7:33 PM. Cologny is a municipality in the canton of Geneva in Switzerland. The community on the left bank of Lake Geneva includes the village of Cologny and the hamlets of La Belotte and Ruth, among others. More infos on Yellow Pages Geneva.

This company list contains all legal forms (Sole proprietorship, General Partnership, Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Cooperative, Association, Foundation, Public sector institution, Branch, Limited Partnership, Foreign branch, Corporation with unlimited partners, Special legal form, Ownership in undivided shares, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes with a fixed capital, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes with a variable capital, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes, Non commercial power of attorney) of companies in Cologny. On this page you will find companies from 225 B2 Sàrl to ART & ENTREPRISE Sàrl.

The town of Cologny belongs to the canton of Geneva. Geneva is a French-speaking canton of Switzerland, located in the far southwestern part of the country. The capital of the canton is the city of Geneva, known as one of the most important international cities in the world. The canton of Geneva is renowned for its cosmopolitan atmosphere, international organizations, and scenic location by Lake Geneva.

Covering an area of approximately 282 square kilometers, Geneva is one of the smaller cantons in Switzerland. The canton is characterized by Lake Geneva and the surrounding hills and mountains, offering a stunning backdrop. The city of Geneva is situated at the western end of the lake and is known for its picturesque lakeside promenade, the famous Jet d'Eau fountain, and views of the Alps.

Historically, Geneva has a rich and significant past. The city became an important trading center in the Middle Ages and later a center of the Reformation under John Calvin in the 16th century. Geneva joined the Swiss Confederation in 1815. Today, the city of Geneva is home to many international organizations, including the European headquarters of the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross.

The economy of the canton of Geneva is strong and diversified, with a focus on services, finance, and international organizations. The financial sector, including banks and insurance companies, plays a central role. Additionally, Geneva is a key hub for trade and diplomacy, hosting numerous multinational companies and international conferences. Tourism is also significant, attracted by the beautiful surroundings, cultural events, and many international fairs and congresses.

The city of Geneva, the cantonal capital, is known for its multicultural population and rich cultural life. The city hosts numerous museums, theaters, and concert halls. Notable landmarks include St. Peter's Cathedral, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum, and the Parc des Bastions with its famous Reformation Wall. Geneva is also renowned for its high-quality educational and research institutions, including the University of Geneva.

In summary, the canton of Geneva is a region distinguished by its international significance, economic strength, and natural beauty. It remains an attractive destination for residents and visitors who appreciate the blend of cosmopolitan flair, historical importance, and scenic charm.

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