List of companies in Stans / Canton Nidwalden
See the list of companies (company list) in Stans. The companies are listed alphabetically: combine concepts gmbh | Comed AG | Composite Swiss AG | Concordia - Agentur Stans | Condux Treuhand AG | confer! AG | ConfiDente AG | Confiseur Bachmann AG - Länderpark | Consona Gesundheit-Beratung-Training GmbH | Consulting Trade Charter AG | Contesta Revisions AG | Coop Filiale - Stans | Corelaio GmbH | Cosinus3 Swiss GmbH | Credit Suisse - Stans | CrossCap GmbH | CrossCon GmbH | CrossQuest GmbH | Crypta Investment AG | Crysil Immobilien Holding AG | CSS - Agentur Stans | CTSuisse GmbH | CURAVIVA Zentralschweiz - Bildung | CUTIVO AG | Cyryl Meikel's Antiquitäten | D & S Gastrotrade GmbH | D. Seiler AG | DAFU Bauservice GmbH | DAG Personal AG | Dal AG | DALIME AG | Damlan Daniela Keller | DANA International AG | Danao AG | architektur gmbh | Darwin Rhodes (Switzerland) GmbH | DDS Patente + Lizenzen AG | De Sisti GmbH | DeGeBu GmbH | Delion AG |
Companies in Stans
The locality Stans is located in the canton of Nidwalden in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Stans are: 46.9571926 and 8.3659672. The local date and time in Stans is 01/20/2025, 8:52 PM.
Stans is a political municipality and the capital of the canton of Nidwalden in Switzerland.
More infos on Yellow Pages Nidwalden.
This company list contains all legal forms (Sole proprietorship, General Partnership, Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Cooperative, Association,
Foundation, Public sector institution, Branch, Limited Partnership, Foreign branch, Corporation with unlimited partners,
Special legal form, Ownership in undivided shares, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes with a fixed capital,
Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes with a variable capital, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes,
Non commercial power of attorney) of companies in Stans.
On this page you will find companies from combine concepts gmbh to Delion AG.
The town of Stans belongs to the canton of Nidwalden. Nidwalden is a German-speaking canton of Switzerland located in the central part of the country. The capital of the canton is Stans. Nidwalden is known for its stunning mountainous landscape, idyllic villages, and central location within Switzerland.
Covering an area of approximately 276 square kilometers, Nidwalden is one of the smaller cantons in Switzerland. The region is dominated by high mountains, including the famous Pilatus massif, as well as deep valleys and picturesque lakes. Lake Lucerne borders the canton, offering numerous opportunities for water sports and recreation.
Historically, Nidwalden is one of the founding cantons of Switzerland. The canton played a significant role in the creation of the Old Swiss Confederacy in 1291, along with Uri and Schwyz. This long history is reflected in the culture and traditions of the region, which remain deeply rooted in its rural and alpine heritage.
The economy of Nidwalden is diverse, with a strong focus on agriculture, particularly dairy farming and livestock. The canton also has a notable industrial sector, especially in machinery and metalworking. Tourism plays an important role as well, with visitors attracted by the scenic beauty and recreational opportunities in the region.
Stans, the capital of the canton, is a picturesque town that serves as an administrative and cultural center. The town is known for its historic buildings, including the Stanser Rathaus and the Church of St. Peter and Paul. Stans is also the starting point of the famous Stanserhorn Railway, which takes visitors to the summit of Mount Stanserhorn, offering spectacular views of central Switzerland.
In summary, the canton of Nidwalden is a region characterized by its alpine beauty, rich history, and deeply rooted culture. It remains an attractive destination for visitors who appreciate a combination of nature, history, and outdoor activities.
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