List of companies in Courtemautruy / Canton Jura

See the list of companies (company list) in Courtemautruy. The companies are listed alphabetically: AB Saphir SA | AC Solutions Sàrl | ADRS Sàrl | AFT Micromécanique Suisse SA | Agriperf Sàrl | Airma Sàrl | AK Holding AG | Alberti Giovanni Sàrl | AluConcept S.A. | AMC Bois, Arnaud Biaggi | Anthony Rondez / La passion du goût | Arboritaille, Humbert Robin | ARTCONCEPT, Gaignat Vincent | ATB S.A. | Atotech Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin, Zweigniederlassung Courgenay (Vertrieb Schweiz) | AXSPON INVESTMENTS SA | Balmer & Gillioz Sàrl | Banque Cantonale du Jura - Courgenay | BATIGENIE Immobilier SA | Batigénie, Marco Paulo Nunes Ferreira | Benoit Yerly | Beton Master Suisse Sàrl en liquidation | Beynon Holding Sàrl | Blanchard Hervé Export | Boucherie du Doubs Sàrl | Boucherie Neuenschwander, Stéphane Chappuis successeur | BRT Formation - Bortolin Daniel | BS Paysages Sàrl | Buro'Gest, Bolzon Caroline | C Diffusion Sàrl | Caillet-Beuchat Daniela, AU KIOSQUE | Cardicchi Holding Sàrl | Cardicchi SA | Carrosserie Jean-Paul Billieux | Cathy Coiffure, Catherine Lagares | Caveau de la Pierre Percée, Rolf Wüthrich | Caveaux de la pierre percée Wüthrich Rolf et Béatrice | Sàrl | Charles Girard fils | Ciff Sàrl |

Companies in Courtemautruy

Canton JU

The locality Courtemautruy is located in the canton of Jura in Switzerland country, in Europe continent. Latitude and longitude coordinates for Courtemautruy are: 47.394167 and 7.139167. The local date and time in Courtemautruy is 01/19/2025, 12:54 AM. Courgenay is a municipality in the Porrentruy district in the canton of Jura in Switzerland. The former German name Jennsdorf is no longer used today. More infos on Yellow Pages Jura.

This company list contains all legal forms (Sole proprietorship, General Partnership, Corporation, Limited Liability Company, Cooperative, Association, Foundation, Public sector institution, Branch, Limited Partnership, Foreign branch, Corporation with unlimited partners, Special legal form, Ownership in undivided shares, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes with a fixed capital, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes with a variable capital, Limited Partnership for collective investment schemes, Non commercial power of attorney) of companies in Courtemautruy. On this page you will find companies from AB Saphir SA to Ciff Sàrl.

The town of Courtemautruy belongs to the canton of Jura. Jura is a French-speaking canton of Switzerland, located in the northwest of the country. The capital of the canton is Delémont. Jura is known for its stunning landscapes, dense forests, rolling hills, and the Jura mountain range.

Covering an area of approximately 838 square kilometers, Jura is the youngest canton in Switzerland, having separated from the canton of Bern in 1979 after a popular vote. The region offers a variety of outdoor activities, including hiking, cycling, and horseback riding, making it a popular destination for nature lovers.

Historically, Jura has an interesting and turbulent past, linked to tensions between French-speaking and German-speaking communities. This cultural diversity has resulted in a unique blend of traditions and customs, which are reflected in local festivals and architecture.

The economy of Jura is traditionally based on agriculture, particularly livestock farming and dairy production. The region is famous for its watchmaking industry and artisanal cheese, including the well-known Tête de Moine. In recent years, other industries have also developed, leading to economic diversification.

Delémont, the capital of the canton, serves as an administrative and cultural hub. The town is known for its charming old town, featuring well-preserved buildings and historical landmarks such as the Château de Delémont. Delémont is also a key transport hub in the region and hosts numerous cultural events throughout the year.

In summary, the canton of Jura is a region marked by its natural beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture. It remains an attractive destination for visitors who appreciate a mix of tranquility, adventure, and traditional values.

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